Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hey guys!!!

Heres some pics for TBT lol!!!! Enjoy!!!

 Me and my chunky self with my momma to go see Beauty and the Beast (my fav movie ever)
 Senior year cheerleading I am second row second from the left!! Miss This!!!
 Won Regionals!! Ending formation I am in the stunt group on the left!

            I know I know I didn't post again yesterday! And its not my fault completely. I can not get my laptop to connect to the Internet I have no idea what to do! So I am doing the updates on it while using my moms computer. I really hope that fixes it because I have no more ideas on how to fix it. Ok well that didn't work lol!!!! I am going to die!!!!

                     Anyway! So yesterday I went to spin class!!! I love spin class!!! It hurts so good!! Ok well here's an embarrassing  funny story! The first time I ever went to a spin class it was senior year and high school and I thought I was the you know what! I was in shape too I had cheer practice everyday so I thought I was awesome lol! So me and my step mom go to the class and I did everything every time she said crack that resistance I sure did. I did every hill, run, and speed run. and I felt good!!! Well until I got off the bike. My legs felt like jello! I mean holy cow so I stretched, and felt sore but ok. Well the next morning I was really sore, but honestly did not think to much of it. But holy cow the next day I thought I was going to die!! It hurt so bad I could barely bend my knees. So me being so cool. I did not say a word I just took some tylenol and toughed it out. Well the next morning (TMI) I went to go pee and it was BROWN. It was disgusting so I made my dad meet me at the doctor (yes I drove it killed me) turns out I pulled BOTH my muscles on top of both thighs!!!! I could not even get on the patient table I had to sit in the little chair in the corner! So I missed two days of work and was on muscle relaxes and had to take Epsom salt baths. And to make matters worse it was the same week as Valentines day!!! So the first Valentines I spent with Garrett consisted of my sleeping because of the muscle relaxers and him playing the video game I got him with his best friend! But when I finally woke up we went to go eat and I couldn't even put on own socks on he walked it to me crying and trying to bend over. He ended up putting them on for me and to this day makes fun of me for it!!! So lesson learned do not push yourself to hard it is not worth it lol!!!

                           Alright so today I went to lift and load and it felt so good! I love this instructor so much!!! I feel like I get such a better work out if my instructor rocks!!! Alright I have over 800 calories left for the day so Im off to find something good and healthy to eat!!!!

See yall tom for weigh ins!!!!


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