Wednesday, March 27, 2013


hi all!

I finally got the internet working!!!! And I got me a brand new IPAD!!!!!! I love it!!!! Ok well I have already fallen off the weight lose train, but I am getting back on! I have lost 6 pounds in the past 2 weeks doing weight watchers. So thats a plus! I am starting to go to gym again, and ibeprofin and bengay are my best friends!!!! I only use the freeze out bengay because it makes my muscles feel so good. I get so tired of people telling me to use icy hot. I know that shouldn't annoy me but hey m only human. Anywho I will leave y'all with some pictures and update more tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
Well just kidding on the pics will do that tom.!!!

Laters loves!!!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I'm a bad blogger :(

Hi all!

So I am a horrible blogger. I am so sorry I haven't posted in a month! It's just awful! I don't have many readers this is just pretty much for me but I still feel like I have let myself done by not writing but that is going to change!!!

So not much is new had some girly medical problems but eveything is a ok!!! I have been slacking on my weight loss goals! :( I'm mad at myself! But I will do this I have faith in myself!!! :) well I'm doing this from my phone and it sucks! But I swear I will write a longer one at work tomorrow I still have no Internet at home :(!

Laters lovelys!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I Missed Y'all!!!

             Hey guys! So I am finally back. I am so sorry for not posting in almost a week. I could not get my wifi to work anywhere!! I am stealing borrowing someones right now! SHH! lol

                    Anyway so I missed the weigh-in and I didn't lose anything. Which sucks but better than gaining and I ate like crap!!!! So I am glad I did not gain. This week I restarted the couch to 5k program. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I bundled up cus you know down here by Memphis its freezing!!!! And took my little doggie and we ran/walked around the lake, it was actually nice. I never thought I would say this, but I want to be a runner. I want to run a 5k so bad. I did the firecracker 5k in 2011 but i walked it with my dad and step mom. So I don't really count that. Oh me and my dad ran the last tenth he pushed me out of the way to win lol! Hes mean like that ;) So last summer me and my sister tried to do the c25k, but I am fat and she is a smoker so we sucked lol! (theres your shout out) No i am kidding I love my sister she is my biggest fan and never lets me forget I am on a journey that will take awhile and she is very supportive! (I love you).
     Tomorrow is lift and load and zumba at the gym and I plan to stay for both classes instead of just one I need to start pushing myself to meet my goals. I am not trying to be hung up on the number on the scale but its hard not to be. I need to lose 2 more pounds by the end a January to stay on goal, so I honestly don't think that will be to hard. :) 

   I found a new blog. And she is from Memphis!!! It was strange at first reading her blog and seeing pictures and being like hey I know what she is talking about. So like true stalker form I started following her. She is awesome!!! I don't know why I cant tag her. Anyway she is awesome. Go check out my blogs I love they are great women and man. lol

Ok So I tried washing my pillows and the first two were fine well this one not so much lol

Breakfast love me some special K now I need some think thins

Lunch last week and nope I didn't eat that fruit cup to much sugar and tasted just like sugar it almost hurt my teeth!

We got a Costco membership. This was our Friday night. We spent 2 hours in there! It was fun lol!!

She would seriously lat like this if I would let her! I love her though!
He finally bought these blue bell cheese. He said they were OK. I took his word I don't eat cheese. 

My operation red bikini. I love this ones I will wear one oneday. 

But not if I eat like this. Check out those dogs!! No wonder I didn't lose weight. NEVER AGAIN!


After and look I still look decent. I was sweaty believe me Instagram can fix anything lol

Costco sells Pesto!!!!! I love them soo much.

And this was my run. and that little white dot is my dog lol. Sorry bad quality.

Sorry those pics were so out of order. lol Well I will talk to y'all tom promise!!!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hey guys!!!

Heres some pics for TBT lol!!!! Enjoy!!!

 Me and my chunky self with my momma to go see Beauty and the Beast (my fav movie ever)
 Senior year cheerleading I am second row second from the left!! Miss This!!!
 Won Regionals!! Ending formation I am in the stunt group on the left!

            I know I know I didn't post again yesterday! And its not my fault completely. I can not get my laptop to connect to the Internet I have no idea what to do! So I am doing the updates on it while using my moms computer. I really hope that fixes it because I have no more ideas on how to fix it. Ok well that didn't work lol!!!! I am going to die!!!!

                     Anyway! So yesterday I went to spin class!!! I love spin class!!! It hurts so good!! Ok well here's an embarrassing  funny story! The first time I ever went to a spin class it was senior year and high school and I thought I was the you know what! I was in shape too I had cheer practice everyday so I thought I was awesome lol! So me and my step mom go to the class and I did everything every time she said crack that resistance I sure did. I did every hill, run, and speed run. and I felt good!!! Well until I got off the bike. My legs felt like jello! I mean holy cow so I stretched, and felt sore but ok. Well the next morning I was really sore, but honestly did not think to much of it. But holy cow the next day I thought I was going to die!! It hurt so bad I could barely bend my knees. So me being so cool. I did not say a word I just took some tylenol and toughed it out. Well the next morning (TMI) I went to go pee and it was BROWN. It was disgusting so I made my dad meet me at the doctor (yes I drove it killed me) turns out I pulled BOTH my muscles on top of both thighs!!!! I could not even get on the patient table I had to sit in the little chair in the corner! So I missed two days of work and was on muscle relaxes and had to take Epsom salt baths. And to make matters worse it was the same week as Valentines day!!! So the first Valentines I spent with Garrett consisted of my sleeping because of the muscle relaxers and him playing the video game I got him with his best friend! But when I finally woke up we went to go eat and I couldn't even put on own socks on he walked it to me crying and trying to bend over. He ended up putting them on for me and to this day makes fun of me for it!!! So lesson learned do not push yourself to hard it is not worth it lol!!!

                           Alright so today I went to lift and load and it felt so good! I love this instructor so much!!! I feel like I get such a better work out if my instructor rocks!!! Alright I have over 800 calories left for the day so Im off to find something good and healthy to eat!!!!

See yall tom for weigh ins!!!!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ice storm 2013 Day 2!

Hi all!!!

     I am so sorry I haven't posted since Friday! My wifi is so messing up! I am borrowing someones elses Internet right now lol!!!!

Well I live in a little city south of Memphis, TN and the weather here is INSANE!!!!  It was 73 on Saturday and on Sunday it was in the 40s and now Monday and Tuesday it is below freezing and the weather man is saying we could get up to a half inch of ice! That's crazy to me. But my boss did let us leave at 4 today so that was cool. And do you know what I did with my extra hour of freedom???
I cleaned my carpets!!! That was so disgusting!!!! And most of it was little white hairs! I wonder where those come from lol!!! And as you can see by my naked mattress I am doing my sheets and pillows as well. Yes pillows! I love pinterest! So I go to the YMCA and they of coursed closed today and all the classes were canceled yesterday so I didn't get to go to the gym. :( but with all the cleaning that I have don't over the two days I don't feel guilty!!!!! So I just finished up watching One Tree Hill on Netflix. I mean I watched every single episode!!! I loved it and sad that it is over! So I need some new movie suggestions!!!  I really hope the gym and all the classes are still going on tomorrow. I miss them and it doesn't take that long to get out of a good habit!

Now for some pictures!!!!
 This is how Mila thinks she has to ride in the car!!! I love her so much! I mean how freaking cute is my dog!!!!
And this is how me and Mila spend our Saturday mornings while daddy is at work!!!! 

And this would be my windshield at my lunch break!!!

Alright guys I got to go finish my laundry so I have something to sleep on and I also need to finish cleaning out my second closet. Yea I cool and have two lol!!!  I love early spring cleaning!!!!


Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday! After Gym!!!


      My arms are so sore trying to type this lol! I went to the gym that is at Garrett's (the boyfriend) apartment. It is a nice gym do not get me wrong, but holy crap! The equipment is so rusty and the elliptical doesn't count calories or distance, but it does track time and resistance. So I'm ok with that lol! and when I was using the ad machine there was white paint chips all over my pants. I thought that was kinda funny!!!

So I did 15 minutes of H E double hockey sticks  on the eliptical and did the arm workout that we do in lift & load. Then I moved to the leg and ab machines. I heard that it is bad to work out more than one muscle group at a time, but then what about lift & load or the body pump classes they work the whole body. But IDK I am not an expert lol!

Oh yea I lost 8 POUNDS!!!! I am so happy!!!! and I don't plan on finding them any time soon.

And now for your viewing pleasure some pictures!!!!!
 Yup I needed a gym mirror pic!!!!
The elliptical! lol
 Planking it omg 40 seconds sucks lol
 See all that rust!!! eww!!!
 And I forgot my socks so Garrett's worked lol! I hate those huge socks!
After!! How gross!!! 
And Lennys!!! I also had lennys for lunch! I LOVE THEM!!!! and will have the left overs for lunch tom!!!! I need to do the no carbs! But hey its wheat bread! And its only 198.5 calories! Because I do not eat cheese or mayo! Or really anything on it expect for meat and lettuce!!! oh and some chips lol!!!

Alright well that's about it! If I can wake up in time I will go to the Y and do circuit training at 9:30 but I love to sleep! If not I will go do a work out by myself! I don't know if its just me but I feel like I get a better work out when I go to a class than by myself. I feel like I push harder, but I was proud of myself tonight though, I pushed myself pretty hard!!!!

Alright guys I'm out for the night! Talk to yall tomorrow!!!


FRIDAY and Weekly Weigh-In!!!


   Ok, I am so excited!!!!!! I got emails from 3 of my favorite bloggers! I feel so star-stuck!!! I love them and cant help that they are so awesome. I seriously look up to them. They are amazing motivators!!! +Mama Laughlin, @ellenoel, @southerngirlfitness!!!! Im not sure why the others aren't tagging! :(

Oh Well!

Ok and the big news!!! (drum roll please!!!!!!)


I am so excited!!! I know that most of that is probably water weight and not actually fat but hey a pound is a pound!!!!  So I have been doing really well with my eating habits. I want to try low carb or no carb days like every other day. But I am really picky and honestly have no clue what I am doing. I know no beard (and yes I typed bread I do that every time my mom loves to make fun of me for that) BREAD! lol!

So I think of all this stuff to write in my blog and when I sit down to actually write it, I have no clue what to say!!! I hate that I need a note pad! lol

Ok I have a little over 4 months for the operation red bikini and I think I will hit my goal of losing 30 pounds and dropping two pants sizes!!! That makes me so very happy only 22 more pounds to go!!! That's so nice seeing that number in the 20's!!!! I have to admit I don't really see myself actually winning the prize package (even though that would be so supa awesome!!!!!!) I am just so happy to lose this weight I feel like I can finally do it!!! I love this feeling!

So I am sitting here watching the boyfriend play COD on his new xbox (yes I am an amazing girlfriend) and I am tired of listening to him yell lol! So I am going to the gym! No gym classes tonight so I will be going to his apartment gym and doing cardio, arms, and abs!!!!!! Talk to y'all later!!!!!


PS. Sorry no pictures today, I was a hot mess waking up at 7:30 lol Maybe after I get done working out!!!