Friday, January 11, 2013

FRIDAY and Weekly Weigh-In!!!


   Ok, I am so excited!!!!!! I got emails from 3 of my favorite bloggers! I feel so star-stuck!!! I love them and cant help that they are so awesome. I seriously look up to them. They are amazing motivators!!! +Mama Laughlin, @ellenoel, @southerngirlfitness!!!! Im not sure why the others aren't tagging! :(

Oh Well!

Ok and the big news!!! (drum roll please!!!!!!)


I am so excited!!! I know that most of that is probably water weight and not actually fat but hey a pound is a pound!!!!  So I have been doing really well with my eating habits. I want to try low carb or no carb days like every other day. But I am really picky and honestly have no clue what I am doing. I know no beard (and yes I typed bread I do that every time my mom loves to make fun of me for that) BREAD! lol!

So I think of all this stuff to write in my blog and when I sit down to actually write it, I have no clue what to say!!! I hate that I need a note pad! lol

Ok I have a little over 4 months for the operation red bikini and I think I will hit my goal of losing 30 pounds and dropping two pants sizes!!! That makes me so very happy only 22 more pounds to go!!! That's so nice seeing that number in the 20's!!!! I have to admit I don't really see myself actually winning the prize package (even though that would be so supa awesome!!!!!!) I am just so happy to lose this weight I feel like I can finally do it!!! I love this feeling!

So I am sitting here watching the boyfriend play COD on his new xbox (yes I am an amazing girlfriend) and I am tired of listening to him yell lol! So I am going to the gym! No gym classes tonight so I will be going to his apartment gym and doing cardio, arms, and abs!!!!!! Talk to y'all later!!!!!


PS. Sorry no pictures today, I was a hot mess waking up at 7:30 lol Maybe after I get done working out!!!

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